Travelling on a Student Budget


Travelling on a Student Budget

Travelling on a student budgetSummer is the most anticipated time of the year. Travelling throughout the summer is a must for any student! However, saving for a trip is always tough for students. So, how can you make the most of a student budget while travelling on your summer break?

Part of spending time in a foreign country is exploring and seeing what the country has to offer. There are some great ways you can make the most of your limited money and stick to a small budget. Travelling on a Student Budget.


Transportation can cut into your spending budget quickly. Be careful what mode of transport you are using. It’s best to do some research and work out what will be the cheapest option.

Researching flights is crucial to saving money. Not only should you research airfares, but it's also wise to research shuttles or buses that hotels and hostels offer. Often, your place of accommodation will provide airport transfers; sometimes they are free! That's more spending money in your pocket.

Trains are also a great alternative to flights, buying multi-stop passes can be perfect for the traveller who is visiting multiple destinations. Seats are commonly discounted heavily in comparison to flights.

Public transport is a great way to save money. Furthermore, major cities have excellent transport systems that typically get you to all the best sights in the city. Catching taxi’s and Ubers will drive your expenses up.


This point carries on from the last. Flights and other transportation are already expensive, so try walking more. Walking often gives the greatest perspective of a city; you get a real feel for the culture and people. Yes, travelling is exhausting, and walking can add to the tiredness, but it’s worth it. You can save money, get a feel for the city and get some much-needed exercise on a holiday of eating and drinking.

Be flexible with your dates

As students, it can be difficult to be flexible with dates. The more flexible you are; the more money you will save. Making your outward and inward flight on weekdays rather than weekends or public holidays will save you money, potentially hundreds of dollars.  Even a couple of days can make a difference with flights.

Open mind

Don’t lock yourself into one location! You can type in your home airport and travel dates and then enter your destinations as ‘everywhere’. You will get the cheapest flights available from your departing location! Sites like Skyscanner are perfect for this type of thing.

There are lots of great sites that can do the work for you; they will find the cheapest flights, dates and locations so you can sit back and relax.

Limit food spending

This may be the most painful cut back of all. Eating out anywhere is exciting, especially in a new country. Eating out will immerse you in the culture and delicacies the locals enjoy. Unfortunately, it’s expensive. Eating out every meal, then other snacks between meals will make a significant dent in your wallet.

Hostels often have kitchen facilities that let you make some (cheap) food. If you are worried about spending too much on food, an Airbnb with friends will allow you all to shop and cook together, further minimising food costs.

Do some food shopping early and purchase essential food items and snacks, you will be less inclined to spend money on food. Instead of buying food you can simply just take snacks with you and enjoy throughout the day.


Everyone relies on phones in this day and age. When you're in a foreign country, it can be easy to rely too heavily on your phone. Using data overseas is a trap, you will always rack up a massive phone bill. Sometimes you may need it in an emergency, if this is not the case, steer clear of phone data. If you want to look something up or check directions, just wait till you can find some free Wi-Fi, easy. Alternatively, just ask somebody! There was a time when smartphones didn’t exist, and we had to ask people questions.

Travelling on a budget is all about making the extra effort. You need to do the additional research, walk the extra distance and sacrifice eating out a few times. Be savvy with your money.


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