The internet of things: How will it change the way your business works?


The internet of things: How will it change the way your business works?

Technology and apps being launched today are turning everyday phones and tablets into valuable business commodities. These transformations can make your company more versatile, more efficient and more profitable, and are often free or very cheap to set up.

Ever been away from your office before realising you need a file that's still on your computer? With GoToMyPC you can turn your phone or tablet into a remote control for another device – no matter how far away you are. All you need is an internet connection and a computer (PC or Mac) with the right software installed, then you can remotely access all your files and documents.

Dragon Dictation apps
While some people are great at typing out their thoughts, others prefer to speak them aloud. If you fall into the second category, it can be time consuming to record yourself and then transcribe the words to text. With Dragon Dictation you can automatically create a text document, with minimal errors, simply by speaking into your phone.

If you charge clients by the amount of work you do, it can be hard to accurately keep track of everything. In most cases, people who estimate how long they've spent on a project tend to underestimate, meaning they miss out on hard-earned money. An app like OfficeTime lets you track in real time what you're working on so that at the end of the month you can provide itemised invoices that are accurate and easy to produce.

Square Register
For everything from travelling salesmen to market-stall vendors, being able to accept payment on the spot can be vital to securing a sale. With Square Register you can turn your tablet or smartphone into a register, allowing you to swipe credit cards and receive payments no matter where you are. Your device can also be synced up to inform your warehouse of a sale, provide digital receipts and check your stock levels.

If you’re only using your phone or tablet for its basic purposes, you may be missing out on a lot of business opportunities. Take the time to make the change and you could soon see some major benefits.

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