Our Unrivalled Freight Plus Warranty Provides Peace of Mind for Your Goods

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Freight plus Warranty is an extended service option available for you to purchase, providing a warranty for physical loss or damage of your goods whilst in transit.

Why do I need Freight plus Warranty cover?

Transport companies aim to provide a distribution service for their customers that is affordable and encompasses reliability, timeliness, and safe delivery. However, at common law, carriers have onerous legal obligations placed on them to ensure the safe arrival of goods. To minimise the transport charges to the community, all carriers throughout the world disclaim on their 'consignment notes' any liability at common law for loss or damage to the goods they carry.

All freight companies therefore, offer to carry the freight under conditions that place the risk of loss or damage on the owner of the goods. Unfortunately, mishaps do occasionally occur, causing loss or damage to a client's goods. Freight plus Warranty endeavours to provide protection for many of these potential events.

How does it work?

PACK & SEND's Freight plus Warranty is easy. You just need to simply request Freight plus Warranty when booking your consignment delivery. A PACK & SEND representative will advise you whether the goods are eligible for our loss or damage protection warranty.

If PACK & SEND agrees to provide you with our Freight plus Warranty, then we agree to deliver the goods in the condition that the goods were delivered to us. If the goods are lost during transit whilst in our care, we will pay you the market value of the goods up to the amount you have nominated on the PACK & SEND consignment note. If the goods are damaged during transit whilst in our care, we will pay you the reasonable cost of repair up to the amount you have nominated on the PACK & SEND consignment note.

PACK & SEND Freight plus Warranty is for the physical loss or damage and does not include consequential loss.

What are the Limits and Exclusions?

Limits and exclusions will depend on whether the freight is booked through a Service Centre or through our automated Online Self-Service system.

Service Centre

No Limits on most goods. PACK & SEND service centres can offer you protection against loss or damage to goods in transit for almost any item.

The range of goods protected is far greater than most other freight companies. For example many freight companies do not accept artwork and will not provide any form of cover. For such items, PACK & SEND has no limits on the value of the goods to be sent, however once items exceed certain values, extra procedures are required. Exclusions apply to a few categories of goods. Specifically excluded are:

  • Bullion, cash, coins, banknotes, negotiable items;
  • Jewellery, gold and silver articles, precious stones or items containing gold, silver or precious stones;
  • Deeds, bonds, bills of exchange or other documents representing money;
  • Credit cards, gift cards;
  • Livestock, bloodstock;
  • Living plants/things.

Also excluded from Freight plus Warranty are services for which there is no proof of delivery, such as:

  • International Airmail;
  • 'Authority to Leave' service (where shipment is authorised to be left at delivery address without obtaining a signature).

Online Self-Service

Exclusions include a range of goods that are incompatible for transport through our automated Online Self-Service system (due to their weight, size, value, fragility or nature of the item) and these are what we call Prohibited Online Goods. To view the list of exclusions for Online Self-Service, please visit the Prohibited Online Goods section.

Also excluded from Loss or Damage Warranty are services for which there is no proof of delivery, is any parcel using the 'Authority to Leave' service (where shipment is authorised to be left at delivery address without obtaining a signature).

What are the terms of the warranty cover?

Please view our Terms and Conditions section to read the conditions applicable to the carriage of goods booked through PACK & SEND. Freight plus Warranty cover is subject to our Terms and Conditions.

How do I make a claim?

Please visit the "Warranty Claim Support' section of our Contact Us page for information on how to submit your claim.

To find out more about using our parcel delivery services and courier network, call us on 1300 668 000 to speak with one of our helpful team, or request a quote online.

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