Customised Logistics Solutions to Suit Your Business & Customer Needs

We like a challenge and never shy away from finding a logistics solution for our customers, whether it's transporting large volumes, awkwardly sized goods or working to tight deadlines. Our experience, Service Centre network and professional courier and freight services work together to offer a solution to even the most unique customer situations. PACK & SEND's comprehensive suite of services along with our No Limits philosophy means we can assist with everyday courier services for local, interstate and international delivery as well as freight shipping, warehousing, packing and importing.

Case Studies

Virgin Australia

With only 3 weeks remaining until Christmas, Virgin Australia required the packaging of 2,400 staff Christmas presents with delivery to be made to home addresses in four capital cities. The challenge was made more difficult because each Christmas pack consisted of a number of gifts (wine, cutlery, backpack etc.), with each of these components located in different states of Australia. Utilising the advantage of our national network, PACK & SEND was the only company willing and able to develop a logistics solution to satisfy Virgin Australia's time-restricted needs to successfully complete the task.


QANTAS faced the challenge of having staff dedicated to daily packaging and courier despatch of items found on their planes and in terminals that had been inadvertently left behind by passengers (mobile phones, diaries, suits, bags, laptop computers etc.). QANTAS have now outsourced the function at all airports throughout Australia to PACK & SEND resulting in cost savings and better service for their customers. QANTAS refers their customers to PACK & SEND, we pick up the 'found items', professionally pack, prepare and label them, and deliver as instructed by the QANTAS passenger.

Find Out How PACK & SEND Can Support Your Business

If you need assistance devising a delivery solution to improve your services, speak with PACK & SEND to develop a short or long term plan for your business. Call 1300 668 000Contact Us or find your nearest PACK & SEND Service Centre.

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“PACK & SEND is built on good people that are doing extraordinary things to service their clients”

Evan Foster - Signarama


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